I recently plugged in my charger, and the green light did not come on. I then clicked on the battery at the top of the screen and it says that it is plugged in but not charging but that the power source is the power adapter. Right now my computer is stuck at 14% when plugged in. Please help!
This is the available inoformation on my battery from my computer.
Battery Information:
Model Information:
Serial Number: D862287345DDNMGAD
Manufacturer: SMP
Device Name: bq20z451
Pack Lot Code: 0
PCB Lot Code: 0
Firmware Version: 511
Hardware Revision: 3
Cell Revision: 1150
Charge Information:
Charge Remaining (mAh): 1170
Fully Charged: No
Charging: No
Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 8353
Health Information:
Cycle Count: 125
Condition: Normal
Battery Installed: Yes
Amperage (mA): 0
Voltage (mV): 10765
System Power Settings:
AC Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
Wake on AC Change: No
Wake on Clamshell Open: Yes
Wake on LAN: Yes
AutoPowerOff Delay: 14400
AutoPowerOff Enabled: 1
Current Power Source: Yes
DarkWakeBackgroundTasks: 1
Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes
GPUSwitch: 2
PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep: 0
Standby Delay: 4200
Standby Enabled: 1
Battery Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 2
Wake on AC Change: No
Wake on Clamshell Open: Yes
AutoPowerOff Delay: 14400
AutoPowerOff Enabled: 1
DarkWakeBackgroundTasks: 0
Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes
GPUSwitch: 2
Reduce Brightness: Yes
Standby Delay: 4200
Standby Enabled: 1
Hardware Configuration:
UPS Installed: No
AC Charger Information:
Connected: Yes
ID: 0x0000
Revision: 0x0000
Family: 0x0000
Serial Number: 0x00000000
Charging: No
If anyone could help that would be amazing!!
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