
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rare battery issue that "MacBook Pro SMC Firmware Update 1.7" was supposed to address.

I recently downloaded this update that is supposed to "address a rare issue on some Apple notebooks where a battery that has accumulated more than 1000 charge cycles may unexpectedly shut down or stop functioning."  This did nothing for my battery, which has been completely shot for the past six months.  My MacBook Pro is essentially a desktop now because it constantly has to be plugged in.  My battery only had between 200-300 cycles when it shutdown.  Apple service would not replace the battery free of charge because I was off my warranty, even though I knew this was a factory defect.  My question is now that Apple has acknowledged that some of the MacBook Pros had faulty batteries, will they replace them free of charge even if i'm off warranty?  It seems ridiculous that I have to pay $200 plus to fix a problem that was their fault in the beginning by supplying faulty batteries.

View the original article here


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