
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Decreasing Battery Health.


i have 3 months aged macbook pro.


now its completed 140 cycles and now its showng battery health to 84% i.e 4860mAh. the original battery capacity was 5770mAh.

Please check the below given details and suggest what i have to do to increase battery heallth. i caliberated my mac already but still its having the same problem.



Battery Information:


  Model Information:

  Serial Number:          W02305RF6D3LC

  Manufacturer:          SMP

  Device Name:          bq20z451

  Pack Lot Code:          0

  PCB Lot Code:          0

  Firmware Version:          201

  Hardware Revision:          000a

  Cell Revision:          165

  Charge Information:

  Charge Remaining (mAh):          3000

  Fully Charged:          No

  Charging:          Yes

  Full Charge Capacity (mAh):          4865

  Health Information:

  Cycle Count:          141

  Condition:          Normal

  Battery Installed:          Yes

  Amperage (mA):          2921

  Voltage (mV):          12217

View the original article here


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