TL;DR: Installed SMC 1.8, computer won't sleep. Do I have to do a full system wipe / restore?
I've seen a few other threads noting issues after the SMC 1.8 update (like ) but nothing matches my exact symptoms so I'll post a new one.
For the past week, it seems that my mid-2011 13" 128GB MBA won't go to sleep, either by closing the lid or Apple->Sleep from the menu. The bottom of the case is perpetually warm and the battery drains from full to dead in ~6 hours. I had installed a couple of pieces of software around the time that I did the SMC 1.8 update so I'm not sure exactly what the culprit is but I'll go on a limb and say the SMC update is the likeliest suspect.
I have tried the following steps to no avail:
- shutting off Wifi and Bluetooth (and disabling "Wake on" features)
- rebooting
- powering down and resetting the SMC
- cursing in several languages
When I run "pmset -g assertions" this is the summary output:
2/14/13 2:28:35 PM EST
Assertion status system-wide:
PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep 0
PreventSystemSleep 0
PreventUserIdleSystemSleep 0
ExternalMedia 0
UserIsActive 0
ApplePushServiceTask 0
BackgroundTask 0
So as best I can understand the issue, there's no user-level software keeping my system running and thus I'm blaming SMC. I'm at a loss for next steps... I've never tried the genuis bar but I'm skeptical they can add much, so am I down to doing a system restore or is there something else to pursue first?
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