Has anyone had a problem with their Ipod touch 5g battery life lately? I downloaded ios 6.0.1 2 days ago, didn't have a problem.
My problem started today. I woke up this morning, checked my mail for about 10 minutes (100% battery life), went to school listening to music (still 100% battery life). I used a pdf for 15 minutes (95% batterly life). These are things i normally do.
Two hours later at school, I noticed that my Ipod was off (and I didn't turn it off), and really hot. I turned it back on the what was 95% now was 55-60%. That's a first since having this device. By the end of the day (5 hours of school), it was red 20%. Interesting.....
I came home, charged it to 55-60%, removed it from the charger, slept for 2 hours, battery life is 15%.
1. Bluetooth is off.
2. Apps are not running in the background.
3. Ipod only fetches 3 email accounts.
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